Day 2: Getting Started
Welcome to your second day.
Yesterday should have been focused on getting you acclimated with the team and set up for your new role here at Grayscale. You should have met your supervisor and mentor, been assigned a workspace, email, and begun preparing for your Grayscale Certification Quiz.
Here at Grayscale, we encourage everyone to work together and communicate. Part of that is understanding the inner workings of each position, what each team member's responsibilities are, and minimal cross-training in those positions.
This helps us, and you, to ensure you understand your role in relation to your teammate's individual roles early in your training. This will come in handy later as we continue your training and focus more on processes and procedures.
How does my role work in relation to yours, or that role?
How can I better understand this process?
What is the best thing I can do in my role to help you in yours?
Essential tools:
Learn about tools you will be using most often.
Internal Facebook Group: The Grayscale Marketing Employee Facebook group is a great way to connect with your fellow teammates that we encourage everyone to use often. Feel free to pose general questions, interesting articles, industry happening, blogs, books, competitor creatives, etc., or whatever daily fun you wish to share. There are no rules here. Plan to check this daily and engage with it.
Google Drive Access: All GEM emails are hosted by Google and you will have unlimited access to all of the tools offered by G Suite. We will be storing all files in unique shared drives that will be shared with our clients for increased transparency and client collaboration.
Toggl: We are meticulous about how we track time. Toggl is our Time Management Tool that you will be using daily. We use our tracked time to set billing and prices, plan for new hires, manage the team's workload, and look for ways we can increase efficiency and decrease burnout. You will use this document, "Recording Work Time" for guidance on how to track your time. You can find the exact steps to track your time properly HERE
We also use tools and software you will learn more about called Asana, a workflow management software, Brandwatch, our chosen social media scheduler, as well as an internal tool we call the "Client Master Sheet". You will go over these tools soon.
Next: Please review and learn more about the following items.
Read and understand Employee Policies (you are encouraged to write down any questions and we'll be happy to cover them at our end-of-the-day touchpoint. )
Review the company
Review and Study the Engagement Playbook
Conduct the first client audit "scrub"
These can be a big lift in your first few days so make sure you work on them daily and often. Most new employees need to finish these at home and during the workday training. They are foundational to your learning process so lean in, master them, think critically and creatively.
You need to finish 2 scrubs over the next two weeks so ask for help, communicate, and ensure you are asking lots of questions.
If you have not completed your new hire paperwork please have them submitted today.