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Leadership Development


1. Read "The Law of Solid Ground" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"

2. Watch "The Law of Solid Ground" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" video

After reading the chapter, answer the following questions:

1. How did Robert McNamara violate the trust of the American people?

2. How did McNamara and Johnson's actions reflect on the rest of the American government?

3. Give an example of a time when a leader violated your trust. What was your reaction?

4. After your trust has been violated, how is it regained?

5. Can you think of instances in which you have violated followers' trust? If so, how will you work to restore it?

Rate your own leadership by placing the number 1, 2, or 3 next to each of the following statements: 1=Never 2=Sometimes 3=Always

1. I trust others even before they've shown trust in me.

2. People rarely question my sincerity.

3. I am able to develop and maintain long-term close personal relationships.

4. When I am wrong, I will admit it quickly to everyone who is involved with the situation.

5. People seem to open up easily with me and share sensitive and confidential information.

6. I am wholly and fully committed to the truth.

7. I handle money matters well.

8. People can count on me to do what I say I will do.

9. I am the same person at home as I am outside of my home.

10. I diligently seek to give more than I get in life.

11. I can ask for forgiveness, even in public situations.

12. I am consistent in my positive mood and honest behavior.

13. It is easy for me to trust others.

14. I allow others to hold me accountable, and I am honest and open with them.

15. Trust is something that I must continually earn every day through a life of integrity.

16. I recognize that even the smallest hurt or unresolved issue can affect the confidence others have in me, and I work to resolve or address the situations.

17. If I make a promise of any kind, I keep it, no exceptions.

18. The team's trust in me is based more on who I am than on the title or position I hold.

19. I do not stretch the truth, even if it may benefit my team or myself.

20. Though not perfect, I live my life to the best of my ability.


50-60-This is an area of strength. Continue growing as a leader but also spend time helping others to develop in this area.

40-49-This area may not be hurting you as a leader, but it isn't helping you much either. To strengthen your leadership, develop yourself in this area.

20-39-This is an area of weakness in your leadership. Until you grow in this area, your leadership effectiveness will be negatively impacted.

Answer the following questions and discuss your answers when you meet with your mentoring group.

1. Do you agree with the author that to build trust a leader must exemplify competence, connection, and character?

Can you gain trust without one of these characteristics? Is there another characteristic you would add? Explain.

2. How effective will a leader be if he or she has lost the trust of the team?

3. How does character communicate consistency, potential, and respect? Give an example for each.

4. What is the quickest way for a person to lose your trust?

5. How would you handle a situation in which you worked with someone you didn't trust?

6. How do you gain and maintain the trust of others?

7. Of the three trust-building factors - competence, connection, character - which is your strength? In which are you weakest? Why?

8. How can you improve your competence, connection, or character in order to become a better leader?

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