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Leadership Development


1. Read "The Law of Process" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"

2. Watch "The Law of Process" portion of "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" video

Answer these questions after reading the chapter.

1. What are some of the challenges Roosevelt had to overcome in order to become a great leader?

2. What are some things Roosevelt included in his daily agenda that contributed to his leadership ability?

3. Roosevelt looked to his father and other leaders he read about for inspiration. Who are some of the people you look to for inspiration? Why?

4. Whom do you admire in your profession or area of service? Why is this person inspirational?

5. Whom in your profession or area of service do you think could have achieved more than he or she did? Why do you think this person settled for less? How does this person's dedication to personal growth factor into his or her level of success?

6. Which person from questions four and five do you identify with more? Why?

Rate your own leadership by placing the number 1, 2, or 3 next to each of the following statements: 1=Never 2=Sometimes 3=Always

1. I have maintained an intentional plan for growth as a leader over a long period of time.

2. I think through issues of timing when it comes to leading the people on my team.

3. I will delay a "right" decision if my team is not ready to respond to it.

4. I think through and write down the necessary steps to get my team ready for a major project.

5. My timing is good.

6. I am aware of and can name the key events or "defining moments" of my organization.

7. I am working to be a better leader.

8. I take the time to think through and write down what is needed to move my team or the organization from point A to point B.

9. I read good books on leadership and apply what I read.

10. I listen to good tapes on leadership and apply what I hear to my own leadership practices.

11. I am more focused on the "journey" than the destination.

12. I am willing to move more slowly if it means building a stronger team or organization.

13. I am aware of my specific good daily habits as a leader and see how they help me grow as a leader.

14. I am aware of the bad daily habits that hurt my leadership and prevent me from becoming a better leader. I have determined to break these habits.

15. Even when I have a good idea, I will run it by someone else before implementing it.

16. When I feel strongly about something, I still try to receive a "buy-in" from other leaders or people on my team.

17. I allow others to question my ideas without getting angry.

18. There is a definite sense of forward momentum in my life as a leader.

19. I have a small group of people to whom I am accountable as a leader on a personal level.

20. I have several relationships with people who stretch me and encourage me in my growth as a leader.


50-60-This is an area of strength. Continue growing as a leader but also spend time helping others to develop in this area.

40-49-This area may not be hurting you as a leader, but isn't helping you much either. To strengthen your leadership, develop yourself in this area.

20-39-This is an area of weakness in your leadership. Until you grow in this area, your leadership effectiveness will be negatively impacted. 

Answer the following questions and discuss your answers when you meet with your mentoring group.

1. According to the Law of Process, what must you be committed to in order to become a successful leader?

2. Do you agree with the author that leadership is a process? Why or why not?

3. Is leadership only for a few people? Why?

4. What steps do you see the other leaders in your organization taking in order to become better leaders?

5. A year ago, which of the Four Phases would you have placed yourself in? Why? How about today?

6. In the least year what has contributed the most to your growth as a leader?

7. What learning opportunities are available to you through your work, volunteer training, church, or other affiliations?

8. How will you commit to learning in order to become a better leader? What resources will you subscribe to or buy? What conferences or training classes will you attend this year?

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